Actual issues of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice (2016). Volume 32. P. 111-124.
Abstract. The article offers a view of the translation process as a system of self-organization within the paradigm of synergetics. The author attempts to reconstruct the "images" of translation in the historical context of translation theory. The basic scientific paradigms of translation theory as a sovereign discipline are looked upon. The term "image" of translation, constructed by analogy with the Y. Stepanov’s metaphor "image" of language, is proposed. The main "images" of language, "images" of translation, as well as translatological paradigms, appeared at the end of XX. – beginning of XXI.centuries were compared. The relationship between the concepts "image" of translation, translation dominant, translation unit was investigated. The basic features of translation as a synergetic object of study were founded out. Translation process as a self- organization system includes non-linearity, non-equilibrity, hierarchy, coordination of individual translation processes, synergy of language, cognition and discourse factors as well.
Key words: "image" of translation, "image" of language, synergetics, scientific paradigm, self-organization system, translation dominant, translation unit.
Information about author: Dorofeyeva Margaryta Serhiyivna – PhD, associate professor; associate professor of department of theory and practice of translation from German language; Institute of philology; Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko university.