Actual issues of Ukrainian linguistics: theory and practice (2016). Volume 33. P. 9-17.
Abstract. The author in terms of stylistic perspective analyzes the scientific activity of Ukrainian linguist V.M. Rusanivsky. The texts of
famous linguist are considered in the context of evolutionary episteme. Attention is focused on linguistic ideas of V.M. Rusanivsky about development of literary language, its stylistic
representation and personalities, precedent for Ukrainian literary language and culture.
Keywords: stylistic perspective, evolutionary episteme, development of literary language, V.M Rusanivsky, T.G Shevchenko, scientific personality,
potential of literary language.
Information about the author: Shevchenko Larysa Ivanivna – doctor of philology, professor; head of the department of stylistics and language
communication; Institute of philology; Kyiv national Taras Shevchenko university.